Leash Law in Effect on Fiscalini Ranch Preserve


California’s Civil Code holds dog owners liable for damages suffered from dog bites “while in a public place or lawfully in a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owner’s knowledge of such viciousness.” Further, California law requires that an animal that has bitten a person be quarantined between 10 and 180 days, depending on the circumstances.  The animal may be quarantined at home, at veterinary office, or by the San Luis Obispo County Animal Services.      

     FFRP welcomes dogs on the Ranch by supplying nearly 100,000 Mutt Mitts free for Ranch visitors each year.  These supplies are paid for with donations to FFRP and kept stocked by volunteers.  FFRP also supported Cambria Community Services District in passing a no-exception leash ordinance to help make all visitors to the Ranch safe and reduce the legal risks to dog owners.

     In the interest of public safety, please report dog confrontations on the Ranch to FFRP at 805-927-2856 or ranch@ffrpcambria.org.  FFRP is tracking reports to gauge the severity of the issue and to learn if there are any especially problematic individuals or locations.