March 24 Letter from CCSD General Manager


Dear Cambrians,

On March 3, 2025, the Board of Directors held a daylong Special Meeting workshop for the Strategic Plan Update facilitated by Dick Clark, which the community was able to attend and participate in.  The Board of Directors adjourned the Special Meeting Workshop to March 4, 2025.  The Board of Directors updated the District’s Mission Statement, Core Values, Core Areas, Five-Year Goals, and Objectives Status Report.  The Board reviewed the Vision Statement but provided no revisions.  The District’s updated Mission Statement, Core Values, Core Areas, Five-Year Goals, and Objectives Status Report are below.

Mission Statement

The Cambria Community Services District provides water, wastewater, fire protection and emergency services, parks, recreation, and open space, for our community in a safe, cost-effective, and environmentally sensitive manner.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to serve our community by delivering sustainable, cost-effective services while practicing environmental stewardship and preserving the unique charm and atmosphere that make Cambria special.

Core Values

CUSTOMER SERVICE: We provide exemplary services and support with the focus on the needs of our community.

FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY: We manage our finances prudently to meet the needs of the community and avoid undue economic burdens on current and future Cambrians.

PREPAREDNESS: We commit to proactive planning and readiness to ensure resilience, collaboration, and the protection of Cambria’s people, homes, businesses, and natural beauty.

RESPECT: In all of our interactions with each other and with members of the public, we act with civility, integrity, honesty, and patience.

SAFETY: We follow the highest level of safety policies, procedures, and regulations to protect our district personnel, our facilities, and the community.

TEAMWORK: We recognize the qualities, abilities, and contributions of others and seek to work collaboratively across departments to carry out the District’s Mission and Strategic Plan.

TRANSPARENCY: We strive to conduct the business of the District in an open, honest, and direct manner while encouraging input and feedback from our Community.

STEWARDSHIP: We strive to leave our infrastructure, community, and environment in better condition for future generations.

Five-Year Goals 2025-2030

(not in priority order)











CCSD Summary of Ordinance an Ordinance Adding Chapter 6.05 to the CCSD Municipal Code Relating to Weed Abatement Standards

This Ordinance Summary is published in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 25124.

     On March 13, 2025, the Board of Directors of the Cambria Community Services District introduced Ordinance 01-2025, adding Chapter 6.05 to the Cambria Community Services District Municipal Code regarding Weed Abatement Standards.

Cambria Community Services District Summary of Ordinance

Ordinance 01-2025 will add a new Chapter to the District’s Municipal Code to set forth standards for weed abatement to facilitate regulation and control of the growth and accumulation of weeds, grasses, and other combustible vegetation, in order to reduce fire risks and protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community.  The Ordinance includes definitions of “Weeds,” “Noxious Plants,” and “Hazardous Trees,” and provides standards for property owners to maintain their property in accordance with Chapter 49 of the California Fire Code Section 4906 and 4907, as well as for the abatement of weeds and hazardous trees. Exceptions are also specified in the Ordinance.

     The Ordinance also declares that weeds, grass, and combustible vegetation growing or accumulating upon private property within the District, which do, or will when dry, create a fire hazard and which by virtue thereof constitutes a danger to the property and to neighboring property or the health or welfare of residents of the property and the people residing in the vicinity constitutes a public nuisance.  The Ordinance includes provisions for enforcement and abatement of properties that constitute a fire hazard and public nuisance pursuant to the District’s Civil Administrative Citation procedures contained in Chapter 1.14 of the District’s Municipal Code.  Costs of abatement can be recovered in accordance with Section 1.14.090 and Notices of Lien may also be recorded pursuant to that Section.

The Board of Directors must vote again to adopt the Ordinance.  That action is scheduled for Thursday, April 10, 2025, at a regular meeting to begin at 10:00 a.m.  Members of the public can submit written comments to the Confidential Administrative Assistant at and view and participate in the meeting as follows:

Please click this URL to join.

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Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

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Webinar ID: 871 0432 3005

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In accordance with Government Code Section 25124, a certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance is available for public review and inspection electronically below and at the following location:

Cambria Community Services District                     

2150 Main Street, #1-A                                

Cambria, CA 93428                                          

For questions, please call the Cambria Community Services District at (805) 927-6223.        

Administrative & Finance Departments

Records Retention Project

During the month of April, my assistant and I will conduct a comprehensive review of all district records to determine which must be retained and which can be securely destroyed in accordance with the District’s records retention schedule.  Once this process is complete, all district records will be stored onsite, eliminating the need for offsite storage with Vital Records Control (VRC).  This effort aims to enhance efficiency, ensure compliance with retention policies, improve accessibility to important district records, and eliminate the monthly cost of storing records.  We appreciate the community’s support as we work to streamline and strengthen our record-keeping practices.

CCSD Utility Service Bill

We encourage all Cambria utility billing customers to take a moment to familiarize themselves with their utility bills.  Understanding your utility bill is essential for managing your water usage and payments effectively.  We encourage all Cambria utility billing customers to take a moment to familiarize themselves with their utility bills.  Understanding the layout of your bill will help ensure accuracy, identify key details, and clarify any questions you may have.  To assist with this, we’ve provided an example of a typical utility bill below.  Below is a guide to help you navigate the key sections of your bill:

1. Account Information

    –Account Number: Unique identifier for your account.

    –Service Address: Address where services are provided.

    –Billing Period: Dates reflecting the cycle for which services are billed.

2. Bill Summary

    –Previous Balance: Amount carried forward from your last bill.

    –Payments: Payments received during the billing period.

    –Adjustments: Any credits or charges applied.

    –Current Charges: Charges for the current billing cycle, including base rates and usage fees.

    –Amount Due: Total amount payable by the due date.

3. Usage Details

    –Meter Readings: Displays current and previous readings.

    –Consumption Graph: Compares your current usage to the same period in the previous year.

4. Charges Breakdown

    –Water Base/Usage Fees: Charges for water service.

    –Sewer Base/Usage Fees: Charges for sewer services.

    –WRF Base/Usage Fees: Charges related to Water Reclamation Facility.

CCSD’s water and sewer utilities rely primarily on revenues from service charges to fund the costs of providing service.  Therefore, water and sewer rates must be set at levels adequate to fund the costs of operating and maintaining CCSD’s water and sewer systems to support safe and reliable service.

T     he water and sewer rates implemented by Resolution 14-2024 cover no more than the cost that CCSD incurs to provide water and sewer services as detailed in the Water, WRF, and Sewer Rate analysis prepared by Bartle Wells Associates and last reviewed by the Board on March 17, 2022.

5. Payment Options


    –By Phone: Call 1-833-792-9627.

    –By Mail or In-Person: See the remittance portion of your bill for details.

6. Important Messages

    –Messages on your bill may include updates and reminders. Please review them carefully.

The CCSD bills bimonthly. Consumption charges are based on the amount of water delivered through your meter. Water and wastewater usage charges are computed by unit. One unit is equal to approximately 748 gallons. 

CCSD Utility Service Bill Example

One unit is equal to approximately 748 gallons. 

Cambria Fire Department

Meet the Fire Chief

On Monday, April 7, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Fire Chief Michael Burkey will be working out of the Cambria Veterans Memorial Hall and would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on anything related to the Cambria Fire Department. 

2025 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP)

Each year, the Cambria Community Services District Fire Department conducts the Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP) to abate vegetation and hazardous wildland fire fuels.  This program is carried out under the authority of Government Code Sections 61100(d) and (t) and Health and Safety Code Sections 14875 et seq.  

     The FHFRP is initiated when the CCSD Board of Directors adopts a resolution declaring the vegetation and hazardous wildland fire fuels on identified properties to be a public nuisance.  This annual requirement will start in April and aims to reduce the fire hazard caused by the accumulation of combustible materials on vacant parcels.

     The forest is a vital part of Cambria’s identity, and we must balance reducing fire risk with preserving the ecosystem’s ability to regenerate.

As a community committed to safety and fire prevention, we understand the challenges faced by vacant parcel owners in maintaining compliance with weed abatement requirements. However, the responsibility to ensure that vacant parcels are properly abated lies with the property owner.

No extensions will be granted for the 2025 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP) requirement.

It is crucial that all parcel owners meet the weed abatement deadline and clear all combustible vegetation and/or debris from their property to prevent fire hazards and maintain a safe environment for everyone.  While many owners hire contractors to perform this work, it is your responsibility to verify that the work has been completed.

     Unfortunately, the District does not provide individual notifications to parcels that fail inspection.  Instead, this information is publicly available when the Public Nuisance List is presented during Board meetings.

If your parcel appears on the list, it is essential that you take immediate action to abate your lot by the deadline before the next Board meeting, when the next phase of the Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program begins.

Failure to do so will result in additional charges being applied to your property.  The owner of record of the property at the time of notification is responsible for the clearance of the parcel.  Properties that do not meet the requirements will be subject to penalties and abatement by the district’s contractor, at the property owner’s expense. 

The Cambria Community Services District and the Cambria CSD Fire Department do not endorse any specific contractor or agency.

We are not responsible for the work performed or the fees charged by these contractors and assume no responsibility or liability for satisfactory and/or non-satisfactory work conducted by them.  The cost for abatement for each parcel includes the contractor’s service charge, plus a $100 administrative charge if paid within 90 days of receiving a bill, or a $200 administrative charge if paid later.  The CCSD is not responsible for the contractor’s charges.

Steps to Ensure Compliance:

–Inspect Your Property: Regularly check for overgrown weeds. In this respect, it should be noted that the definition of “weeds” in Health and Safety Code Section 14875 includes “Dry grass, stubble, brush, litter, or other flammable material which endangers the public safety by creating a fire hazard.”  

–Remove Weeds: Safely and properly remove all weeds, especially those that are dry and pose a fire risk. 

–Disposal: Follow the local guidelines for the disposal of yard waste and weeds.

–Sign up for Cambria CSD Fire Department Updates: To receive updates from the Cambria CSD Fire Department on the 2025 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program (FHFRP) or any Fire Department-related news, click the “join our mailing list” icon at the bottom of any page and subscribe to Cambria CSD Fire Department News & Updates and follow the Cambria CSD Fire Department on Instagram and Facebook

–Sign up for Cambria CSD Board Meeting Updates: To receive updates from the Cambria CSD regarding Board Meetings, please click the “Join Our Mailing List” icon at the bottom of the District’s website and subscribe to Board Agendas.

–Meet the Deadline: All weed abatement must be completed by the deadline, which will be established in April 2025.

For more information, please visit our website.

Water & Wastewater Departments

Please refer to the March 13, 2025, Board Meeting agenda packet to read the latest utilities report.

CCSD Board of Directors Meeting

Regular Board Meeting

Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: 1000 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428

Public Participation:
Written comments may be submitted via email to or through the submission portal at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Upcoming April Board Meeting Items (subject to change):

–Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Declaring a Public Nuisance for the Annual Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program and Approval of Amendment to 2024 Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program Agreement

–Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Approving Updated Cambria Community Services District Personnel Policies, Procedures, and Rules

–Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Updated Travel Policy

–Discussion and Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance 01-2025 Adding Chapter 6.05 to the Cambria Community Services District Municipal Code Regarding Weed Abatement Standards

–Discussion and Consideration to Fix Water and Wastewater Standby or Availability Charges as Provided in Government Code 61124(b) and Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Fixing Water and Wastewater Standby or Availability Charges for Fiscal Year 2025/2026

CCSD Standing Committee Meetings

PROS Committee Meeting

Date: Thursday, April 3, 2025
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: Veterans’ Memorial Hall, 1000 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428
Zoom Webinar: Available for virtual attendance

Public Participation:
Members of the public can submit written comments to be read at Standing Committee meetings.

Finance Committee Meeting

Date: Monday, April 14, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Veterans’ Memorial Hall, 1000 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428
Zoom Webinar: Available for virtual attendance

Public Participation:
Members of the public can submit written comments to be read at Standing Committee meetings.

Resources & Infrastructure Committee Meeting

Date: Monday, April 14, 2025
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: Veterans’ Memorial Hall, 1000 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428
Zoom Webinar: Available for virtual attendance

Public Participation:
Members of the public can submit written comments to be read at Standing Committee meetings.

Fire Protection Committee Meeting

Date: Thursday, April 17, 2025
Time: 10:30 AM
Location: Veterans’ Memorial Hall, 1000 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428
Zoom Webinar: Available for virtual attendance

Public Participation: Members of the public can submit written comments to be read at Standing Committee meetings.

On Monday, April 7, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., I will be working out of the Cambria Veterans Memorial Hall and would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on everything, Cambria.  We will provide coffee and snacks; as always, we welcome your feedback and ideas. 

If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you again for your support; I am at your service. 

Matthew McElhenie

To view the full letter, please visit