Immediate renovations are needed for the Cambria Community Services District Fire Station. Some much needed good news is that tickets sold out for the “Thank Our Firefighters” fundraiser taking place May 3, but donations are still needed. All proceeds are to be used to improve personnel safety from carcinogen exposure and needed improvements to an inadequate older facility. The list includes items such as turnout lockers, security fencing, rescue equipment, and bath and kitchen updates.
A tour of the fire station by this reporter revealed numerous expensive updates needed to be completed. Most importantly, turnout gear (what is worn for emergency response), currently hangs on a rack next to the fire engines in the apparatus bay. Gym equipment is located in the same space. Carcinogen exposure can occur through the trucks’ exhaust particles in the apparatus bay, or from potential off gassing from chemicals. For best safety practices, decontaminated and cleaned turnout gear is normally housed in a separate room.
The plan is to obtain lockers, as an alternative, that can be placed further away from the fire engines. Unfortunately, firefighters are regularly exposed to carcinogens that their turnout gear is made from, as well as dangerous chemicals in their emergency response work environment. A smoking tire in a brush fire or a car battery in a burning dumpster can expose emergency personnel to harmful substances, which are on the crew and their equipment until proper decontamination and thorough cleaning is done.
Fire Captain Greg McGill said there is a 30-40 percent greater chance for firefighters getting cancer than the average person. Chemicals are potentially absorbed through the skin. Testicular cancer is more common among firefighters as chemicals travel up their pant legs.
The almost 30-year-old building was originally intended to house one permanent employee and a few volunteer firefighters, who traveled from home to the station when called to an emergency. The firehouse is now staffed 365 days a year by 12 emergency personnel, who rarely go out for dinner and do not take vacations, according to McGill. As Fire Engineer Ryan Maloney, who is close to retiring, stated, “We spend one third (or more) of our lives here.”
The kitchen is outdated and needs additional storage space and some new appliances. Essential equipment, such as a rescue ski, is needed. A large section of security fencing is completely missing and the fire hose drying rack needs repair. In addition, the goal is to make the space usable for another 30 years.
The Cambria Fire Department, which is not part of San Luis Obispo County Fire Department nor Cal Fire, has limited capital.
The sold-out May 3 fundraiser is presented by the SLO County Community Fire Safe Council and its subsidiary Cambria Fire Safe Focus Group. According to Debbie Hori, chair of the fundraiser, donations can still be made on-line at: My805tix/e/firefighters. Checks should be made payable to San Luis Obispo County Community Fire Safety Council with “Cambria Fire Department fundraiser” written in the memo section. Mail checks to: Thank Our Firefighters, 1241 Knollwood Drive, PMB 42, Cambria, CA 93428. For further information, e-mail