New Signs at Fiscalini Ranch Preserve


Look out for new signs on the West Ranch!  Volunteer Walt Andrus designed them, using wooden frames similar to those at other nature areas.  The updated map shows the newly accessible coastal loop, and the signs use simple and familiar icons to share important rules.  For the first time, each entrance now includes the name of the trail, making it easier for visitors to know exactly where they are.

     These signs also hold helpful items like brochures, Mutt Mitts for dog owners, and loaner bike bells.  This makes it easy for visitors to find what they need and helps volunteers restock supplies.

     Right now, you can find the new signs at both ends of the Bluff and Marine Terrace Trails, as well as at the Tipton, Ridge, and Highway 1 entrances.  Soon, we hope to add more signs at Trenton, Victoria Way, Wallbridge, and the Santa Rosa Creek trails.

The signs were built with teamwork.  Ismael Mondragon worked alongside Walt Andrus to put them together, and David Aguirre, Ranch Manager for the Cambria Community Services District, approved the design.  One of the most fun parts of the project was picking the icons. Clever Concepts helped with that task.

     Private donations to Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve paid for the signs.  William and Sheri Tell helped fund five signs, and the Pardoe Family funded two more.  Each sign will have a plaque to thank these generous donors.  These sturdy signs will help welcome visitors to the Ranch for many years to come.