Fire Safety Means Always Being Ready


The community has been fortunate this year not to have any “red flag” days that indicate the fire danger is very high.  The Cambria Fire Department and the Fire Safe Focus Group have done a stellar job of working on fuel reduction through the weed abatement program, chipping days, and forest health grants.  The community still needs to remain vigilant and prepared as the fire season is not over.

     As a reminder, here is a list of actions you should take to be prepared all year long.

Sign up for Emergency Alerts:

–Reverse 911 sign up is through the sheriff’s website  Sign Up – Smart911

Prepare an Evacuation Plan

Establish a designated meeting place outside Cambria and the potential fire zone, such as Cayucos Elementary School.

–Plan two evacuation routes from your neighborhood, adapting them according to emergency directives.

Pack an Emergency “Go Bag”

–Medications: A month’s supply of all prescription medications is best but a minimum of a week’s worth.  If you have to evacuate you may not be able to reach your doctor to get a refill. 

–Water:  Keep a couple of gallons in the car you plan to use and then put some in your bag.  It is recommended you have 3 gallons per person. 

–A 3-day supply of non-perishable food.  Make sure to refresh this food every 6 months or so. 

–A change of clothes and extra eyeglasses/contact lenses.

–Extra car keys, credit cards, cash, or traveler’s checks.

–A first aid kit and sanitation supplies. 

–A flashlight and battery-powered radio with extra batteries and a phone charger.

–Copies of important documents (birth certificates, passports, insurance information).

–Pet food and water.

     Any persons needing assistance with the actions above or with making the home safer from wildfire reach out to the Cambria Fire Department at: 805-927-6240.