Concerned Citizens of Cambria, a recently organized group, has been active in responding to social issues, such as Social Security and veteran’s benefits that concern local citizenry as well as citizens across the nation. Several members have been showing up early in the morning while students are arriving at the elementary, middle, and high schools carrying signs supportive of families concerned about immigration issues.
Members are also standing with signs at the intersection of Main and Burton Streets in the East Village from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and on Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. on the southwest corner of Main Street and Cambria Drive.
Earlier this month a meeting with County Supervisor Bruce Gibson was held at a member’s home during which these issues were discussed.
The group is sending postcards, letters, and emails to representatives at all levels of government expressing their opinions. The website is a great way to get information on how to express opinions on issues that are important.
Those who wish to participate in the weekly demonstrations should bring a sign. Please keep the message positive and supportive of the issues represented.