Quite a bit going on for the Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) this month. At the CCSD meeting last Thursday, Stewart Mahoney, a new SAFER Grant Firefighter was sworn in, and the Board reviewed and updated the Objectives to our Strategic Plan goals.
The Resolution Declaring a Public Nuisance for the Annual Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program with a weed abatement deadline of July 14 was adopted, as were the Ordinances adopting the Amendments to the 2022 California Fire Code and the 2021 International Wildland Urban Interface Code. The CCSD Board ratified the emergency actions taken by the CCSD to assist the San Simeon CSD with their water supply emergency, as well as discussing the continued use of the Cambria Veterans’ Memorial Hall by the San Simeon CSD Board and committee meetings while they continue to search for a meeting facility within their local jurisdiction. We received reports from the PROS Commission, the Standing Committees on Finance, Resources and Infrastructure, and the Ad Hoc and Liaison reports.
On Monday the Resources and Infrastructure Committee received reports from two Ad Hoc Committees, one of which was regarding a grant opportunity from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research Adaptation Planning. This grant would enable the District to fund the preparation of a Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Plan. The lists of capital improvement projects for all departments were reviewed by the Committee, which recommended moving the lists forward to the Finance staff for further review in preparation of the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year Budget. Acting General Manager Ray Dienzo gave very detailed reviews and updates on the status of PG&E Sustainable Solutions Turnkey projects for the CCSD wastewater treatment plant, as well as the progress of the Coastal Development Permit for the Water Reclamation Facility. His Powerpoint presentation will be available on the CCSD website (cambriacsd.org), along with the video recording of the full meeting.
At today’s 1:00 p.m. CCSD meeting in the Veterans’ Memorial Hall (1000 Main Street), the Board will be considering approval of an Employment Agreement with Matthew McElhenie for General Manager and the proposed Modification of the Project Description for the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Coastal Development Permit application. In particular, the WRF discussion will address a possible phased approach to the permitting process. The meeting can be viewed through Zoom access—which can be found by clicking the April 20 meeting on the CCSD Calendar (cambriacsd.org) or locating the meeting at: slo-span.org.
The Board meeting agenda also includes receiving the Public Safety reports from the County Sheriff’s Department, as well as from the Fire Department. Fire Chief Justin Vincent’s educational topic this month will be on earthquake hazards and preparedness. Department Manager reports will be presented by Acting General Manager Ray Dienzo, Resources and Facilities Manager Carlos Mendoza, Finance Manager Denise Fritz, and District Engineer and Utilities Manager Ray Dienzo. The monthly Expenditure report will be reviewed and adopted, and the Ad Hoc Committee on the Board and Standing Committee Bylaws will be presenting their recommended amendments to the bylaws for Board consideration
I also would like to take the opportunity to express the appreciation of the CCSD Board to Ray Dienzo for taking on the responsibilities of the role of Acting General Manager in addition to his position of District Engineer and Utility Manager for this past six months since the departure of the previous General Manager. His assignment was quite an additional amount of work and responsibility, and he did an admirable job.