A Century of Hearst Castle Gardens


The Historical Guides Association will celebrate the coming of spring with a program on the garden history of Hearst Castle.  The event will be held on Thursday, March 20, at 6 p.m. at Santa Rosa Church Parish Hall, 1174 Main Street.  Eric Weiss will be the featured speaker.

     Eric Weiss, now retired, worked as a guide at the Castle for more than thirty years and took a special interest in the gardens.  He holds a bachelor’s degree in history from CSU Fresno and a technical degree in horticulture from Cal Poly SLO.  Eric is known for his sense of humor as well as his knowledge and this promises to be a fun illustrated walk through garden history.

     The HGA is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the continuing education and inspiration of its members in all aspects of our local state monument and other historical museums.  It is a social group with an educational purpose and aims to bring together people interested in history.  Meetings are open to the public.  There is a suggested donation of $5 for non-members.  Light refreshments will be provided.