Safe Harbor Presbyterian Seeks a Season of Sharing


Safe Harbor Presbyterian of Cambria hopes to spark an attitude of sharing as Christians enter the holiday season at the closing of the year.

     Safe Harbor and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church are again featuring an Advent Prayer Tree at the church campus.  This year’s theme is Hope and Joy.  The activity is open to everyone.  Cambrians are invited to share a sorrow, a loss, a hope, a joy, or any issue they may wish to offer in prayer by adding a star to the tree located on the porch of the chapel on the campus at 2700 Eton Road.  To include a prayer request during Safe Harbor and St. Paul’s worship services, an attendant box for requests is placed next to the tree.

     Safe Harbor urges Cambrians to think of gifting help this season.  Like many of our fellow Cambrians, members felt the pain of those in Western North Carolina who suffered in devastating hurricanes.  The Presbytery of Western North Carolina is leading a relief effort in 94 communities where Presbyterian churches are located.  The relief is to benefit all residents.  The structure of the organization ensures the relief to go directly into the community and assist all in need.  Safe Harbor is sharing a link so Cambrians can provide direct relief support thru a local organization in the middle of the disaster where recovery efforts remain active in the areas hardest hit:

     Cambrians can make a difference throughout the world.  This month the Safe Harbor mission program provided a water well to a village in India where one of our worship members is a minister.  

     Safe Harbor holds a worship service at 2 p.m. Sunday at 2700 Eton Road.  The hybrid services are broadcast through interactive Zoom and Live Streamed by hundreds each week.  Daily devotions are posted on social media and are watched by thousands.  Learn more about Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church at: