Call to Artists: “Outside the Box”


The Visual Arts Committee (formerly known as the Gallery Committee) of the Cambria Center for the Arts eagerly invites artists to submit original, quirky, two-and three-dimensional works for an end-of-the-year exhibit entitled, “Outside the Box.”  This special exhibit is scheduled for November 1 through January 5, with an opening reception on Saturday, November 2, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.  This will be a non-juried show with community awards given for excellence.

     With so much divisiveness in the world today, the committee respectfully requests that art submitted be engaging and uplifting, inviting discussion while avoiding violence or R-rated content.  Instead, consider using recycled material, electronic trash, found art, and other unexpected elements to express thoughts on relevant topics.  This is an opportunity to share what matters most through artistic creations within the parameters of community decency. The Visual arts Committee welcomes your whimsical, thought-provoking pieces–created through any medium–as the CCA celebrates the unique visions of this artist community.

     Submission guidelines can be found on the CCA website, at:  In short, artists are invited to submit up to four pieces each, space permitting.  All work that meets specified guidelines will be accepted.  However, because the Gallery is small and wall space limited, pieces that cannot be accommodated in person will be posted to the Virtual Gallery for all to enjoy.  Art may be submitted for consideration online or in person, beginning Monday, October 21, and delivered to the Gallery on Exchange Day, Monday, October 28, from 10 a.m. until noon.  As a reminder, the Visual Arts Committee reserves the right to refuse submissions that do not align with the stated requests.

     So, remember to save the date for this exciting exhibit and the opening reception on November 2, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the evening.  Invite friends and neighbors, as everyone is welcome to celebrate the joyful, unexpected artwork that will be displayed.  For those attending, if able, please bring a special treat or a bottle of wine to share with this artist community and those who support them.

     The CCA gallery is open from noon to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday.  It is located at 1350 Main Street.  To join the Cambria Center for the Arts community, please visit:  For specific questions, you may contact the Gallery Director, Sheri Parisian at: