It looks like the rain is over, at least for a while, and a stretch of sunny and warmer days are ahead. It is a perfect time to get out and enjoy the great sport of tennis. The six tennis courts at Coast Union High School are freshly washed by the rains and beckoning to tennis players to set up a game and get out on the courts.
Tennis is called “the healthiest sport” because it can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and enhances physical, mental and social health. The Cambria Tennis Club was established in 1992 for the overall purpose of supporting and promoting tennis among club members, local students, residents, and visitors. One of CTC’s responsibilities, pursuant to an agreement with the School District, is court maintenance and repair, which CTC dutifully has fulfilled now for more than 30 years. The courts are available seven days a week, now that the physical education classes have finished their tennis sessions.
For all tennis players (regardless of age or level) who want to get back into the game, consider joining team members on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. for drop-in doubles. Everyone gets to play. Alternatively, get in touch with the club and a member will discuss the resources available for players of any level, and if desired, find a match for a game. For further information including a membership application, check out the CTC website at:, or call the CTC at: (310) 717-5187.